Learn more about grant-funded activities at the Institute for European Studies:
Grant activities at Euro
Title IV grant-funded projects
In 2018, the Institute for European Studies was granted a four-year National Resource Center award from the U.S. Department of Education's prestigious Title VI program. Events and initiatives made possible by the grant over the last year include:
- Developing Digital Toolbox
- Developed online courses for LCTL languages: Dutch, Modern Greek, and Norwegian
- Faculty research and travel awards
- Euro library acquisitions
- Poland and its Centenary Symposium roundtable discussion
- Islam in Europe Lecture Series in collaboration with the Hamilton Lugar School Islamic Studies Program
- Developed the Globally Ready Toolbox in collaboration with the Hamilton Lugar School's Center for Latin and Caribbean Studies and African Studies Program
- Business is Global (BIG) Summer Institute for High School Students in collaboration with IU CIBER
- Collaborations with Hamilton Lugar School Title VI Centers and the IU School of Education
- In-service Teacher Workshops
- Summer Language Workshop
- Language & Cultural Competencies Teacher Training for the Global Gateway
- Collaborations with Hamilton Lugar School Title VI Centers
- Bridges: LCTL language instruction for K-6 children
- Lotus Blossoms Bazaar
- Institute for Curriculum and Campus Internationization
- Global Employability Initiative
U.S. Department of Education
International and Foreign Language Education (IFLE)
Title VI National Resource Center

Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, 2016–2020
Future of the EU Mini-Conference
In November 2020 EURO hosted its first Future of the EU conference virtually on Zoom. Days after the 2020 presidential election was called for Joe Biden, signaling an imminent shift in American foreign policy, 11 scholars, diplomats, and legislators from the US and EU came together to discuss the state of the transatlantic relationship and its future, making all the more complex by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Workshop in Berlin: Entrepreneurship and Reigniting Growth in the European Union
EURO sponsored a two-day workshop in March 2017 at the IU Berlin Gateway (Entrepreneurship and Reigniting Growth in the European Union) in partnership with the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies and the Institute for Development Strategies. Over 20 scholars from IU and the EU participated in this discussion of economic stagnation in the EU and pockets in Europe exhibiting impressive sustainable economic prosperity.
- David Audretsch, Indiana University, daudrets@iu.edu
- Sameeksha Desai, Indiana University, desai@iu.edu
- Joanna Woronkowicz, Indiana University, jworonko@iu.edu
- Jeff McMullen, Indiana University, mcmullej@iu.edu
- Werner Bonte, University of Wuppertal, boente@wiwi.uni-wuppertal.de
- Christine Volkmann, University of Wuppertal, Volkmann@wiwi.uni-wuppertal.de
- Diemo Urbig, University of Wuppertal, urbig@wiwi.uni-wuppertal.de
- Vivien Procher, University of Wuppertal, procher@wiwi.uni-wuppertal.de
- Christian Rupietta, University of Wuppertal, Rupietta@wiwi.uni-wuppertal.de
- Kathrin Bischoff, University of Wuppertal, bischoff@wiwi.uni-wuppertal.de
- Adam Lederer, SMEJ, sbejmeditor@gmail.com
- Roy Thurik, Erasmus School of Economics, thurik@ese.eur.nl
- Erik Lehmann, University of Augsburg, erik.lehmann@wiwi.uni-augsburg.de
- Prashanth Mahagaonkar, Springer, Business & Economics, Proshanth.Mahagaonkar@springer.com
- Alexander Kritikos, German Institute for Economic Research, akritikos@diw.de
- Jana Schmutzler, Universidad del Norte, Barrangquilla, uribe.schmutzler@gmail.com
- Max Keilbach, Entrepreneur, keilbach@wedgebrook.de
In conjunction with this workshop, Katharine Wirsching (Universität Augsberg) and Matthias Menter (taught V450 Public Policy and Economic Development in Europe as visiting scholars to IU SPEA. This class was made available to EURO students as well as students at Ohio State University.
- David Audretsch, Indiana University, daudrets@iu.edu
- Katharine Wirsching, Universität Augsberg, katharine.wirsching@wiwi.uni-augsburg.de
- Matthias Menter, Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena, matthias.menter@uni-jena.de
Muslims in Contemporary Europe Symposium
On February 25, 2019, the Institute for European Studies (EURO) and the Islamic Studies Program co-sponsored a symposium, Muslims in Contemporary Europe. With formal presentations by two anthropologists and one political scientist, and the audience participation from IU faculty and students, the symposium engaged a variety of themes related to the lived experience of different communities of Muslims living in England and France. Jennifer Fredette, a political scientist from Ohio University and author of Contructing Muslims in France: Discourse, Public Identity, and the Politics of Citizenship (Temple UP, 2014), discussed the long-standing and vexed issue of Muslim assimilation in France and their contested "Frenchness" in light of state policing practices. An exercise in sociolegal studies, Fredette's presentation demonstrated that the movement of Muslims through French civil society is transformed by the state's police powers. Jeanette Jouili, an anthropoplogist and religious studies scholar from the University of Pittsburgh and author of Pious Practice and Secular Constratints: Women in the Islamic Revival in Europe (Stanford UP, 2015), shared with us her recent fieldwork among Muslim musicians in England. Jouili argued that her ethnographic interlocutors are attempting to construct and express a newly situated Muslim identity with their music, one whose vehicle is contemporary British hip-hop music, but whose linguistic content is more "traditionally" Islamic. Finally, Feray Baskin, a recent PhD graduate from IU's Department of Anthropology, presented the results of her ethnography among Turkish immigrants living in the Alsace region of France. Baskin demonstrated the way in which her interviewees both retained the cultural practices from their particular Turkish communities of origin, but also modified these practices -- from the creation of baked goods for the local market to their child-naming practices -- in small ways in order to participate more fully in their Alsatian communities, thus creating for themselves new ways to be both Turkish and French.
- Brett Bowles, Indiana University, bowlesb@iu.edu
- Feray Baskin, Indiana University, fbaskin@iu.edu
- Jennifer Fredette, Ohio University, fredette@ohio.edu
- Jeanette Jouili, University of Pittsburgh, jouili@pitt.edu
Faculty/Graduate Travel/Research Awards
Since 2016, Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence funds have allowed us to distribute over 20 research and travel grants to faculty and graduate students across IU and our branch campuses. You can find many of these works – conference papers, journal articles, theses, and dissertation abstracts – that were funded partially or in total by these awards at the Wells Library IUScholarworks Repository.
Midwest Model EU
- 2017 was the 25th year that IU hosted the Midwest Model EU. The event included a faculty workshop and Teaching and Learning Workshop on Simulations led by IU Professor Nick Clark. The workshop was designed specifically for faculty advisors, graduate instructors, and educators to consider and evaluate the benefits and challenges of hands-on simulation as experiential learning. While many participants were most closely familiar with the EU grounds for simulation, the workshop was designed to appeal to simulation exercises in general – including, but not limited to Model United Nations and Model Arab League simulations.
- 2018:
- 2019: For the first time, EURO added the chance for three undergraduates to compete at the Schuman Challenge as an extension of the 2019 MMEU.
Undergraduate Writing Awards
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence funds allowed EURO to award three $500 prizes for undergraduate research (theses or capstone papers) focused on Europe. This year’s winners exemplified the interdisciplinary spirit that EURO seeks to cultivate: Alexandria Bougher (International Studies major, on the anti-migrant biopolitics of news reporting in France), Bailey Decker (SPEA major, on employment discrimination against Muslim women in France), and Christopher Woods (History major, on Nazi uniforms as vehicles of political and psychological power). You can find many of these works at the Wells Library IUScholarworks Repository.
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Networks
- 2017
EURO was thrilled to announce its partnership with Australian National University, Canberra, the University of Canterbury, Christchurch (New Zealand), the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and National University of Singapore on a Jean Monnet Centers Network grant titled “Politics, Policy, Culture: EU Migration and Integration.” Spread over the 2018-2021 period, and the grant will fund a variety of activities (faculty and graduate student exchanges, summer courses for undergraduates, conferences, and edited volumes of essays) that address the impact of recent mass migration from other parts of the globe to the EU and facilitate dialogue between academics, politicians, administrators, and migrants themselves. - 2019: Summer School at Berlin Gateway
This summer marks EURO’s first contribution to a collaborative, three-year Jean Monnet Network Grant between EURO, the Australian National University at Canberra, the University of Canterbury (Christchurch, NZ), and the University of Singapore on Politics, Policies, and Culture of Migration. In July, IU’s Global Gateway in Berlin will host a summer school taught by faculty from participating institutions, with two research conferences and an edited volume of published scholarship to follow over the next two years.

- Brett Bowles, Indiana University, bowlsb@iu.edu
- Abdulkader Sinno, Indiana University, asinno@iu.edu
- Jacqueline Lo, Australian National University at Canberra, Jacqueline.Lo@anu.edu.au
- University of Canterbury (Christchurch, NZ)
- University of Singapore